With the current volatility of the market and uncertainty of how the industry will react, it is important to analyze data and understand what we are likely to face.
Category: Uncategorized
The Fed Saves Our Bacon
Last week the Fed committed $200 billion to buying mortgage-backed securities.
Fed cuts interest rates to 0% (March 16, 2020)
The Federal Reserve has cut interest rates to zero percent; however, this does not directly impact mortgage interest rates.
Mortgage Market Update March 9-13
The stock market is breaking down right now. It was halted for 15 minutes this morning if may close for the remainder of the day if stocks fall by 20%.
Mortgage Market Update March 2-5
Citizens are starting to travel and go out less as the coronavirus has cases arising in the United States. There is talk that we could see travel restrictions and possibly...
Mortgage Market Update February 24-28
February 24 Stocks and yields are going down. The DOW is down over 700 points to start off the week.