This week we take a look at all of the interesting things happening in the news as a result of the coronavirus.
We did a deep dive into how the pandemic has impacted our world in terms of mortgage rates, the housing industry, and the different generations.
Rates are moving sideways as expected. They are flat, have been flat, and we expect them to stay flat.
It is still a great time to sell some homes and get help individuals take full advantage of the low rates.

Existing Home Sales
Existing home sales took a sharp decline in the month of May due to the coronavirus continuing it’s spread. This is partially due to a lag in contract sales from March and April.
There is some optimism, however, for the housing industry as more people become interested in buying homes.
The strictest times of the coronavirus are also over which point to a rise in home sales over the next several months.

More Charts
Charts reveal the generational differences when it comes to what individuals are giving up during the pandemic and their current marriage status.