Items in this section may not be applicable to everyone. Please read through them and send any documentation that is relevant to you. Be sure to check out the master Mortgage Document Checklist to see what other items will be required.
There are three sections to the applicable docs; please read each and call us if you have any questions.General Docs
- Residency Documentation – If you are a non-resident alien then we will need a copy of your residency documentation. NOTE: at closing you will be required to bring 2 forms of ID.
- VA Loans: DD214 and COE – For VA loan we need a copy of your DD214 and your Certificate of Eligibility (COE). If you current have a VA home loan but will sell that house before closing on the new VA loan, please let us know so we can help reinstate your entitlement.
- Texas Vet Paperwork: If you plan on doing a Texas Vet Home Loan then we will need your Texas Vet paperwork.
Income Docs
- Social Security Awards Letter – Please send us a copy of your social security awards letter.
- Pension and/or Annuity Documentation – Please send us documentation for any pension or annuity income that you would like us to use for qualification purposes.
- Job Offer Letter – If you are starting (or have recently started) a new job please provide a letter from the employer stating the terms of employment (i.e. income, pay structure, start or effective date, etc.) Be sure the letter is on the company’s letterhead, signed and dated, includes the start date, local employment address, and terms of compensation.
- Relocation Letter – If you’re relocating with current employer then please provide a letter from HR or Manager outlining the details of transfer. Have the letter state the following: 1) Acknowledge the transfer of office location and/or acknowledge that you’re able to work from home, 2) Verify your job title and role – let us know whether they will change or remain the same, and 3) Verify compensation amount and pay structure – i.e. let us know whether this will change or remain the same.
- College Transcripts – Because we need a two year work history, we need a copy of your college transcripts as proof of “employment.” That said, you are exempt from this if you were working during college and had employment during that time.
New Employment, Job Offer Letter, and Relocation Details
If you are starting (or have started) a new job please provide a letter from the employer stating the terms of employment. Be sure the letter is on the company’s letterhead, signed and dated, includes the start date, local employment address, and terms of compensation. If relocating with current employer then please provide a letter from HR or Manager outlining the details of transfer. Have the letter state the following: 1) Acknowledge the transfer of office location and/or acknowledge that you’re able to work from home, 2) Verify your job title and role – let us know whether they will change or remain the same, and 3) Verify compensation amount and pay structure – i.e. let us know whether this will change or remain the same.Legal Documents
Note: all items below must be the executed versions with all pages- Executed Divorce Decree – All pages of the executed divorce decree are required – and “yes” we do realize how much paperwork that is. Please make sure you provide an executed copy (i.e. signed by all parties and the judge). Some states outside of Texas require a divorce decree, a separation agreement, and a decree absolute; we will need all three of these executed documents. Note: Even if we are not using any income from the divorce decree we do need a copy to verify if any debt obligations exists outside of the credit report.
- Bankruptcy Papers – If you have declared bankruptcy within the last seven years then please send ALL pages of the executed bankruptcy papers (i.e. the final version with all the signatures).
- Foreclosure / Short Sale Paperwork – If you have had a foreclosure or short sale in the last seven years, please provide a copy of the executed settlement statement for verification of when it was finalized.
- Power Of Attorney (POA) – If you, your spouse, and/or another person on the loan won’t be able to attend closing and needs a Power Of Attorney then please connect with the title company to create the POA. Check out our Power Of Attorney page for more details of what to expect when it comes time to close.